Abstract Submissions

Abstracts close Friday 20th September 2024.

Call for Papers

We invite you to submit your abstracts for inclusion in the 10th International Clinical Skills Conference. Abstracts should relate to the research in clinical skills education at undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing health professional levels.

The 10th International Clinical Skills Conference offers an opportunity to present your research to an audience with a major influence on clinical skills education internationally. This conference will meet the needs of interprofessional researchers and practitioners involved in the development of high quality education in all aspects of clinical skills.

Abstracts should be submitted via the online submission process Prior to submitting an abstract you will need to register your details for online submission.

Important Dates

  • Deadline date for acceptance of Abstract Submissions – Friday 20th September 2024 (5.00pm your local time)
  • Abstract Notification – Friday 8th November 2024
  • Deadline Confirmation from accepted authors to Secretariat of intention to attend 17th January 2025
  • Conference Dates – Sunday 18th – Wednesday 21st May, 2025, to be held at Monash University, Prato Italy

Conference Themes

The theme for the tenth conference is ‘Past, Present and Future’. Abstracts should relate to one or more of the following categories.

  • Innovations to advance Clinical Skills Education and Practice
  • Excellence in Teaching and Learning Skills – What’s working
  • Assessing Clinical skills in the workplace
  • Evidenced based Teaching and Assessment of Clinical skills
  • Interprofessional collaboration in clinical skills education and practice
  • Priorities in Clinical Skills Education
  • Research in Clinical Skills – where’s the evidence?
  • Professionalism as part of Clinical Competence

Abstract Submission

Abstracts should be submitted via the online submission process Prior to submitting an abstract you will need to register your details for online submission.

Please note:

  • Authors (designated presenter), of accepted abstracts must register for the conference as a delegate and be available for the ENTIRE conference as timetabling of presentations is across all dates– to register for the conference please go to online registration link of conference website.
  • Abstracts cannot be accepted with tables, charts, graphs.
  • Amendments to abstracts cannot be made after the closing date of submission.
  • You will be notified should you be required to revise your abstract in light of reviewer feedback from the Scientific Review Committee.
  • All accepted abstracts will be included in the Conference Abstract book.

Presentation Categories

There are four types of Presentation Categories: – Oral presentation; Poster Presentation, Workshops & Roundtable Discussion Groups

1. Oral Presentations

Submissions are welcome which present reports of original completed research on contemporary educational practice related to the conference themes. Abstracts should provide a clear outline of the work, relevant background, research results and/or evaluation findings and relevant conclusions. Work in progress and new ideas will be considered for acceptance.

  • Abstract title length – maximum 20 words
  • Abstract submission length: Maximum 300 words

    (excluding max. 3-4 references)

  • Presentation time: 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion and/or questions)

2. Electronic Poster Presentations

  • Poster presentations enable researchers and teachers to exhibit their latest results, developments and innovations in relation to the conference themes.
  • Submissions may be either completed projects or work-in-progress. Poster exhibitors will have the opportunity to gain feedback from fellow participants and to establish contact with similar projects in related fields.
  • Poster proposals must include a description of the planned poster which emphasizes the problem, what was done, why the work is important and, if relevant, any evaluation findings.
  • Posters are to be made available for viewing for the duration of the conference.
  • Successful posters will have a 5-minute opportunity to discuss the poster, followed by a brief question time, within the programmed Poster Sessions.
  • Please ensure you bring your poster presentation on a USB to talk to during poster session.

Please note:-  Posters will be on view at various spaces in the conference centre via an E-poster viewing.  E-poster guidelines will be provided to accepted posters.  If these guidelines are not adhered to or amended to be adhered to, the poster will not be displayed in the E- poster format

  • Proposal submission length: Maximum 200 words

    (excluding max. 3-4 references)

3. Workshops

Workshops are intended to enhance the skills and broaden the perspective of their attendees. They should be designed to introduce a rigorous framework for learning a new area or to provide ‘hands-on’ experience for the participants. Submissions will be selected on the basis of the objectives and relevance of the workshop and the instructor’s qualifications or prior experience of facilitating similar types of work.

Presentation Time: 1.5 hours

Workshop proposals must include:

  • 300-400 word abstract

Plus Additional information

  • Clear description of the workshop objectives
  • Intended audience (experience level and pre-requisites)
  • Summary of the instructor's qualifications or prior experience in similar presentations
  • Maximum number of participants in the proposed workshop (bearing in mind the conference attracts 200+ participants who all need to be capable of attending a workshop, with 7 concurrent workshops running at a time) It is therefore preferable that you can cater for at least 40 participants however if you believe that your workshop lends itself to a smaller group, please list the maximum number and we will TRY to accommodate this request, but it is NOT guaranteed.
  • All supplies needed for the workshop must be brought by the presenter, the conference will only provide a flip chart and markers, +/- white board, laptop screen and PowerPoint presentation facilities.  No printing or photocopying of material can be done by the conference.

4. Roundtable Discussion Groups

This is best suited to a controversial topic. Attendees will rotate among tables where questions are posed about the controversial area. Facilitators will help the discussion and debate each side of the argument. At the end of the session the facilitators will sum up the arguments and controversial points.

Roundtable Discussion Groups will run for 1.5 hours duration

Roundtable Discussion Group proposals must include:

  • 300-400 word abstract

Plus Additional information

  • Clear description of the Roundtable Discussion Group objectives
  • Intended audience (experience level and pre-requisites)
  • Summary of the instructor's qualifications or prior experience in similar presentations
  • All supplies needed for the RTD must be brought by the presenter, the conference will only provide a flip chart and markers, +/- white board, laptop screen and PowerPoint presentation facilities.  No printing or photocopying of material can be done by the conference.

Review Process

A panel of reviewers will judge all submitted abstracts on the following criteria:

  • Originality
  • Validity of the research design
  • Importance and relevance of content (papers/posters) / availability to reach objectives (workshops) for a national and international audience on the themes of the conference

All submissions will be rated by at least two reviewers. In the event of a discrepancy in rating between reviewers, a moderating review panel will be convened to reach a final decision.

You may also be provided with the opportunity to revise your abstract prior to presentation/inclusion to incorporate reviewer feedback.

Programme for Conference

Please note – All accepted abstracts will be scheduled into the Conference Programme.

Please note – Allocation of presentation times throughout the meeting will be determined by the conference Scientific Chairs, and once allocated cannot be altered. We cannot accept individual requests for specific timings due to scheduling complexities, and therefore the designated presenter MUST be available for the ENTIRE conference

A selection of the top papers presented at the conference may be invited to proceed to publish their work as expanded paper or edited book.

We look forward to receiving your abstract by FRIDAY 20th September 2024.